Munchmuseet, MM K 4224

MM K 4224, Munchmuseet. Datert 07.12.1933. Brev fra R. H. Morton, The Society of Scottish Artists (Scottish arts Club).

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Telephone No. 22441.
24 Rutland Square

7th December

    Dear Mr Munch.

    On the 70th Anniversary
of your birthday I wish
to send you my heartfelt
congratulations and good

    Norway must be proud
of you and justly so.
I hope you will have
continued vigour and
health to carry on your



courageous work.
    I look back with happiness
and pride to the day I was
privileged to meet you in
that haven where you have
created vital works of Art.

    The recollection of coming in
contact with your unique
personality surrounded by
such stimulating work by
your own hands, and the
kindness and consideration
you so generously gave me will
ever remain an inspiration
and joy.

    I am proud I was partly
instrumental in introducing
some of your work here in
Edinburgh to Scottish Art



I regret that there were too
few sufficiently enlightened
people to appreciate it at
its true value; but surely the
lack of artistic sensibility
is generally the fate of all
pioneers in Art expression and
there is no doubt your original
work will educate many to
discover new and vital forms
of expression.

    In this “Mechanical Age”
the Poets, Artists, and Philosophers
have difficult tasks, not least
of which is to lead the world



of thought and feeling to a
richer harvest of the Spirit.

    IT is fitting that all
should acknowledge their
debt to a creative Artist
such as yourself, for the
power to “Crystallise” mans
“Inner Being”.

    Accept the homage of
myself and my friends
and know there is a wealth
of gratitude behind all
I have so inadequately

    Very Sincerely Yours,
R. H. Morton.