Frits Thaulow

Frits (actually Johan Frederik) Thaulow (1847–1906)
Leading Norwegian painter of landscapes during the 1880s, who also became a well-known figure in the European art world. His paintings from the 1880s were of great significance for the Norwegian naturalist school of painting. It was Thaulow who contributed harmony of colour to naturalism. In addition he had an eye for talent, became aware of Munch's importance early on, and financed his first trip abroad in 1885.

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Letters and letter drafts (not translated) from Edvard Munch to Frits Thaulow

There are 1 letters and letter drafts for this recipient in the digital archive.

Munchmuseet, MM N 2050.    Dated 1896. « Det billede pigen på sengkanten står hos Bing – kan Du ikke sende ham et brevkort, så får Du billedet tilsendt –»