Munchmuseet, MM K 4219

MM K 4219, Munchmuseet. Datert 08.10.1931. Brev fra The Society of Scottish Artists.

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The Society of Scottish Artists
James A. Walker,
Chartered Accountant.

Telephone 21995.

Chambers: 10 Stafford Street
Edinburgh, 8th October 1931.

    Rolf E. Stenersen, Esq.,
    4, Grubbe Gaten,

    Dear Sir,

    Thirty-eight Annual Exhibition
    I duly received your telegram on Monday, which I laid before a
meeting of my Council tonight.

    I am instructed to inform you that the Council has unanimously
and enthusiastically accepted the offer to show about 15 Pictures
by Herr Munch, and they have set apart one wall of the Exhibition
for showing these Pictures. I send you herewith a copy of the
Exhibition Schedule, which gives you the dates of opening and closing.
It would be necessary for the Works to reach Edinburgh at the very
latest by Monday, the 16th November, 1931.

    As the Loan Works Committee has already exceeded its budget, it
is necessary that every expense should be cut down to a minimum. Mr.
Morton whom you say, has been in communication with Mr. Salvesen of
the Shipping firm, who is much interested in the project, and has very
kindly offered the Society special consideration with regard to
freight, therefore, we should like to try to arrange matters here, and
we have also received a very favourable quotation for Insurance. In
order to find out which would be the cheaper method, perhaps you would
be good enough to give such details as you can of the estimated cost
of Ninety Guineas mentioned by you.

    I should be very glad if you could send me as early as possible a
Catalogue of the Titles of the Works, which it is proposed to send,
along with Confirmation of the Insurable Value. For publicity
purposes, I should like photographs of the Works, and exspecially
photographs for reproduction purposes.

    We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have been granted
the honour, and we are arranging for a talk to be broadcast from all
Scottish Stations of the British Broadcasting Corporation.




    If therefore you can supply me with literature or any other
information, which might be useful in this connection, please be
good enough to do so.

    I am,
Yours faithfully,