The Society of Scottish Artists

Kunstnerforening. Edinburgh, Storbritannia

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Brev og brevutkast fra Edvard Munch til institusjonen

I det digitale arkivet finnes det 1 brev/brevutkast til denne mottakeren.

Munchmuseet, MM N 2365.    Brevutkast. Datert 20.11.1934 . «I feel greatly honnoured for your kind invitation to accept the honour of becomming an Honorary Membership of your esteemed Society, which I gratefully accept.»

Brev fra The Society of Scottish Artists til Edvard Munch

I det digitale arkivet finnes det 9 brev fra denne avsenderen. – Hvis lenkene nedenfor er aktive, er brevene publisert.

Munchmuseet, MM K 4218.   Brev. Ikke datert. « THE SOCIETY OF SCOTTISH Artists.  Chambers 10, Stafford Street  EDINBURGH.  SCOTLAND.» 
Munchmuseet, MM K 4219.   Brev. Datert 08.10.1931 . «If therefore you can supply me with literature or any other information, which might be useful in this connection, please be good enough to do so.» 
Munchmuseet, MM K 4220.   Brev. Datert 08.10.1931 . «If therefore you can supply me with literature or any other information, which might be useful in this connection, please be good enough to do so.» 
Munchmuseet, MM K 4221.   Brev. Datert 30.10.1931 . «No doubt Mr. Stenersen has informed you of the various communications he has received from our secretary Mr. Walker, and I trust that you are thoroughly satisfied by the arrangements being made by us for the works you are good enough to loan us for our forthcoming exhibition: opening day Saturday 28th November closing day Saturday 9th January 1932.» 
Munchmuseet, MM K 4222.   Brev. Datert 23.11.1931 . «I shall be surprised if you do not gain some staunch champions in this country.» 
Munchmuseet, MM K 4223.   Brev. Datert 14.03.1932 . «have afforded us in Scotland.» 
Munchmuseet, MM K 4224.   Brev. Datert 07.12.1933 . «of thought and feeling to a richer harvest of the Spirit.» 
Munchmuseet, MM K 4225.   Brev. Datert 26.11.1938 . «The President and Council of The Society of Scottish artists request the honour of the presence of Mr Edvard Munch and friend, in the Royal Scottish Academy Galleries. Mound, on Saturday, 26th November, at 2.30 P.M., to receive The Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Council of the City of Edinburgh, on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition.» 
Munchmuseet, MM K 4226.   Brev. Datert 26.01.1940 . «I am directed to supplement the letter, addressed to Members on the 20th September 1939, intimating the Council’s decision to cancel all arrangements for the 46th Annual Exhibition.» 

The Society of Scottish Artists er omtalt følgende steder

Munchmuseet, MM K 1315.   Brev fra Thomas Olsen, Fred Olsen & Co.
«Henholdende til dagens telefonsamtale har jeg faat opgitt at James A. Walker, 10 Stafford Street, Edinburgh, er sekretær for Scottish Artists Society, og vil ordne at vedrør- ende utstillingen.»
Munchmuseet, MM K 4222.   Brev fra R. H. Morton, The Society of Scottish Artists.
«Professor Herbert Reid who has seen your work abroad is to broadcast – on Saturday night 28th November – on the Society of Scottish Artists.      I have lent him all the books and Reproductions I possess on your work. Tomorrow pressday he along with others will view the present Exhibition, and on Saturday many papers will show the result.»
Munchmuseet, MM K 4225.   Brev fra R. H. Morton, The Society of Scottish Artists (Scottish arts Club).
«The President and Council of The Society of Scottish artists request the honour of the presence of Mr Edvard Munch and friend, in the Royal Scottish Academy Galleries. Mound, on Saturday, 26th November, at 2.30 P.M., to receive The Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Council of the City of Edinburgh, on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition.»
Munchmuseet, MM N 2022.   Brevutkast fra Edvard Munch til Edward Theodore Salvesen. Datert 1931 . Se s. 1
«Som De vistnok vet så er inviteret af Society of Scottisch Artists til at udstille i Edingburgh Som man har meddelt mig er De så elskværdig at imødekomme de skotske kunstnere med hensyn til fragten –»
Munchmuseet, MM N 2022.   Brevutkast fra Edvard Munch til Edward Theodore Salvesen. Datert 1931 . Se s. 2
«Selskabet er forstår jeg osså ængsteligt for udgifter til assurance Jeg Det er vel rimeligt at assurancen i Edingburg b ordnes i Edingburgh men Søassurancen har jeg jo vært vandt til at betales her – Men er derimod det fuldt ut betryggende at la det den skotske Kunstner- forening ordne osså med den så vil jeg jo gå med herpå»